v.0.2.1 - First Small Update after release

Greetings, adventurers! I've been hard at work, chiseling away at some rough edges you've pointed out. Here's what we've unearthed in this latest patch:

  1. Level Selector Clarity: Added a player Icon and description to guide newcomers.
  2. Hero Switching: Now you know when your comrades are tuckered out. "All players made their move" message added.
  3. Cooldown Indicator: Slapped a clock symbol on abilities. It's not perfect, but it'll do for now.
  4. Weapon Blocked Fix: The red "X" now only shows up when it should.
  5. Lasersight Tweaks: Sharpened the damager coroutine that sometimes forgot to handle damage to others. It's better, but still a bit wonky at times. We're on it!
  6. Level Exit: Added a green button that makes it clearer, what to do if you want to leave the level
  7. Tungdil's Rune Rebrand: Now called "Supershot" to avoid confusion. Also added a better description. 
  8. Reduced the Music Volume a bit (Also editable in the Options 'ESC' )

Plus a heap of other minor changes.

Thanks for the feedback, it's more valuable than mithril! Not as valuable as ale of course. But still! Keep it coming, and we'll keep making this game shine.

Until next time:

  • Tobi


into-the-deep-windows-x64.zip 174 MB
Version 0.2.1 Sep 14, 2024

Get Into The Deep 🔥 Tactical Dwarfare

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